
5-2-50 Services

To achieve the 5-2-50 vision within an organisation requires a combination of skills and interventions. These can be offered as loose-standing activities, or as a carefully structured 5-2-50 Growth Project. Although the 5-2-50 vision is focused on helping small businesses grow, the services and interventions we offer are equally effective in larger organisations.

Our experience ranges from helping small businesses improve operations to implementing full strategic management processes in an international setting. All our services share the common underlying goal to help you identify and implement improvements that will drive improved bottom line results and growth in your organisation.


The Workplace Revival

When we operate in alignment with our God-given design, we experience meaning and fulfilment, whilst simultaneously achieving our full potential. The Workplace Revival is focused on helping businesses, and people within business to discover the designs and purposes God has for them, and transferring practical skills on how to align themselves, their teams and their organisations with these designs and purposes.

Workplace revival interventions include:

  • Sermons that inspire through showing people what is possible. These are suitable for meetings like church services or special gatherings to explore this topic.
  • Teachings that help them understand how Biblical foundations drive success through a meaningful and high impact life and workplace. These work well on church camps, or one day workshops around the theme of bringing God into people’s Monday to Friday lives.
  • Trainings and workshops that teach leaders and team members how to practically build a high impact, and highly successful work environment on the foundations of Biblical principles. These are suitable for doing as a series of trainings and workshops over a period of time in your workplace.

5-2-50 Growth Projects

The 5-2-50 Growth Project is a package of all our services, carefully selected, sequenced, and customised to help your small business (of about 5-10 members) grow to about 50 staff members in no more than five years. The interventions are in the form of training, coaching, workshops, and helping our clients gain access to appropriate investors.

The interventions are implemented through “Just in Time Training,” meaning that at the point where the skills are needed in day to day work, the skill is taught, and then followed up with coaching to apply these newly learnt skills.

The specific program will be customised to each customer, but a typical 5-2-50 Growth Project looks more or less as follows:

Find and select customers

5-2-50 has a set of selection criteria by which we select the client businesses we will work with. We select businesses that have a high potential for growth if given access to the right knowledge, development and resources.

Year 1 Quarter 1-3: Institute quarterly improvement cycles

Once a customer is selected, we start transferring skills. The set of skills are largely based on the Theory of Constraints (TOC), one of the most successful modern management frameworks available. In the first three quarters of the first year, we transfer the skills that are necessary for the business to begin a basic cycle of clarifying their goals, identifying their constraint, exploiting the constraint, subordinating everything else to the constraint, elevating the constraint, and then repeating the cycle.

Year 1 Quarter 4: Creating a 5-2-50 vision

With the first three cycles behind them, the team is likely to now have built enough confidence to be able to create an aggressive four year vision. In Quarter 4 we will coach the team through building a viable vision to grow to 50 employees, and increase their Throughput accordingly, in this period.

The Investment Campaign

As part of the viable vision design, if external investment is identified as a requirement to support the growth of the business, an investment campaign will be designed and the necessary presentations and investment information packs will be created with the help of 5-2-50 if needed. We will coach the client in presentation skills to present their investment requirements to potential investors.

Year 2-5: Execute, coach, monitor, collaborate

In the second year, as the organization starts executing their viable vision and keep running the TOC cycle, the business will continue to grow rapidly and coordination will become increasingly important. To manage this, a process of execution, collaboration, and control will be set up.

The 5-2-50 consultant assigned to the client will monitor the execution of the viable vision closely, and provide on-going coaching and training as needed, whilst also making sure that the improvement cycle is not stopped or slowed down (letting stagnation become the constraint on improvement).

Continuous training, monitoring and coaching

From here onwards, 5-2-50 will increasingly move into a monitoring role, providing on-going training and coaching in various management and leadership skills as required.


Investment matching and coaching

As an investor, working with 5-2-50 reduces your risk and increases the probability of superior returns. 5-2-50 evaluates and selects clients with high growth potential, since we also invest in the companies we are working with. At 5-2-50 we are continually working on building relationships with potential investors. When we add you as an investor to our network, we investigate your investment preferences, and create an investor profile.

When our client companies face a situation where growth is inhibited by investment, we offer coaching in how to prepare an investment pack and investment presentations that are tailored to the investors they would be approaching, based on the investor profiles we have on record. In this way, we ensure that the information you require as an investor is clearly presented in the way you prefer – to accelerate and ease the feedback and decision making process.


Theory of Constraints implementation, training, and coaching

The Theory of Constraints is a management methodology that delivers consistent positive results, typically in timeframes that are unexpectedly short. We can assist you in implementing Theory of Constraints applications in specific parts of your business such as production or service delivery, project management, and supply chain management. Our strategic management process also makes use of the strategic management approaches of TOC.

Our TOC solutions range from pure training, where we will transfer knowledge of the concepts together with some fun practical exercises, to more hands-on coaching and implementations, helping you set up and run the improvement processes until you are able to execute these on your own.


Impact Oriented Management (IOM)

A deep sense of purpose sets many Christian-led businesses apart from their peers. Combining this sense of purpose with the basic need of a business to make money, can be a challenge. The Impact Oriented Management (IOM) framework helps you resolve this dilemma through clarifying the alignment between your business goals – related to making money – and what we call your Impact Goals – related to the higher purpose for which you believe your organisation exists. Without making money, your organisation will die, but without achieving its God-given purpose, it all seems somewhat … well … purposeless.

IOM draws on spiritual insights regarding the way God sees work, business and economics, combined with a foundation of Theory of Constraints, supported by the concepts of Lean/Six Sigma.

By creating a robust model where all these pieces fit together, we guide an organisation through finding its purpose, and then building a value model that scales quickly because of the underlying value that purpose brings to setting the business apart from its competitors.


Strategic Management

We start by doing an evaluation of your strategic process, to identify which parts are already working well, which parts need development, and which parts may not be in place at all.

Based on this information, we will help you create a roadmap to first create a robust strategic management process, clearly identifying the steps of putting this process in place as you embark on your journey of systematically building and exploiting your unique competitive advantage.

A strategic process typically works in cycles of between 3 to 15 years, depending on your industry, the nature of your business, and your size.

Each strategic cycle starts with a planning process from which a strategic plan is created that will be executed through the coming years. To set up a new strategic project portfolio, we facilitate the exploration of possibilities in a way that creates structure and direction. The process helps you to collect and structure the necessary information to understand your current situation, understand the way you see your future, and plan the actions you need to take to be well positioned for on-going success in the future – and to create a plan to communicate and execute this throughout your organisation.

We will coach you through setting up such a process, creating the necessary systems and templates, and executing the strategy.

We have experience in setting up strategic management processes ranging from small local organisations, to working abroad in international companies.


Executive Coaching

As partners with your business in coaching your leaders, we help you and your leaders find the areas of alignment between their personal goals and those of the company – so that there is always mutual benefit and growth. As your leaders mature, so does your organisation. A coaching program can range from a few very specifically focused sessions to deal with a specific area in which you want to improve performance or enhance existing strengths; to a longer-term relationship where we help you plot a career direction, and have regular coaching sessions to help you stay on track.

Throughout the coaching relationship we keep a careful balance between the input we give, and the disco- very we help you make. We use the Socratic method of questioning to help you discover what is often hidden from yourself, in the complexity of your day to day workload – so that you can untangle your future into a visible path with a viable plan.

We have national and international management experience in operations and strategic management.


Organisational evaluation and improvement quality control

Sometimes what you really need is just an independent set of ears and eyes to look through your organi- sation. We have the skills and tools to do a formal organisational diagnosis by which we identify your organisation’s strengths and weaknesses specific to your market, environment, and ambitions. Based on these we can help you identify the interventions that will most rapidly help you develop the capability to achieve your ambitions, and either recommend, or help you select partners that can help you implement relevant interventions.

We will then act as an independent 3rd party to audit these interventions – whether executed by your own staff or by external providers – to ensure that you are getting the value you are paying for.


Getting the most out of coaching and consulting

Consultants are typically brought into a business because the company believes that they can help the organisation increase its performance in a specific area, or solve a specific problem. However, getting that value realized can be challenging. As a business leader you are ultimately responsible for making sure that when you employ a consultant, your business gets more value out of that engagement, than what you pay for it.

We have been on both sides of the consulting relationship – as clients and as consultants both locally and in international settings. From this we have learnt and documented some valuable lessons.

We will show you what you should be looking at when selecting a consultant and when creating the consultant’s assignment to ensure that the expectations are clear and agreed. From there we show you how to manage the consulting relationship, and how to deal with the almost inevitable misunderstandings and disagreements that will come along. We help you understand why these are pretty much normal, and what you can do to keep ownership and control of the outcomes.

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